! " Current credit verification $8 Verification of Employment and Income History Property Requirements *$ Arm Not Handeled Properly &' Equal Credit Opportunity Act #+ Fair Credit Reporting Act Notice Interest rate disclaimer ' Not a commitment / Itemization 4 Security 7 Prepayment 5 Assumption 5 Late Fee 7 Figures Are Estimates * Additional Info 0 Arm Disclosure 1 TEX:TEXTNO TEX:FORMNO TEX:MARKED TEX:STANDARD TEX:DESCRIPTION TEX:USER TEX:TIPSCREEN TEX:TIPNUMBER TEX:PARAGRAPH TEX:TEXTKEY TEX:FORMKEY Obtaining a current mortgage credit report and reverification of credit history with no major variation from information previously obtained. Obtaining a current verification of employment and income history with no major variation from information already recieved. Reciept of an acceptable Ernest Money Agreement, and selection of a suitable property, meeting the valuation and loan program requirements of the loan program selected. The Amortization Summary does not handle arm loans properly because of the need for step and rate cap information. The information provided in this case is for comparison purposes only, the actual repayment of an arm loan may vary greatly. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against applicants on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status. In connection with your application for a loan, please be advised that we order a credit report regarding your credit experience. This report may contain information on your character, general reputation, personal characteristics or mode of living in ad dition to your actual credit experience from persons or firms with which you have done business, your credit worthiness, credit standing and credit capacity. Interest rates are subject to change without notice, the rates reflect the current market conditions at the time of this printing. This information in no way constitutes a commitment, it is furnished for information and comparison purposes only. You have the right to a written itemization of the Amount Financed, [ ] I do / [ ] I do not, want an itemization. You are giving a security interest in the property being financed. If you pay off the loan early, [ ] You will / [ ] You will not, have to pay a penalty. Someone buying your home, [ ] Can / [ ] Cannot assume, the mortgage on the origional terms. There is a late payment fee of ______ %, if your payment is recieved ____ days late. All of the above disclosures are estimates. See your contract documents for any additional information. The figures for an Arm Loan are based on the initial loan rate, rate adjustments may cause the actual figures to vary greatly. UNNAMED